Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Britney Spears' Father Gets Pay Raise For Being Her Dad!

Britney Spears

Layoffs, cutbacks, bailouts and bankruptcies are no concern for Jamie Spears, who has the most secure job on the planet, micromanaging his talented daughter Britney Spears’ career and life. He’s doing such a great job that he just got himself a raise! He’s now making about $75 an hour to look after his own daughter.

According to People, a Los Angeles Superior Court commissioner boosted Jamie Spears' conservatorship income by $51,000. Since February, Jamie, 56, has been looking after Britney to the tune of $10,000 a month. Court Commissioner Reva Goetz has now raised Daddy's fee to about $16,000 a month.

Here’s the kicker. Goetz also made the pay raise retroactive. Jamie was also given an additional $1,200 a month for "office expenses," which Goetz said was justified by Britney's personal and professional life being back on track.

What do you think? Should a father get paid to look after his own daughter?
