Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lily Allen Comments About Drugs

Lily Allen

Although she’s struggled with drug and alcohol abuse in the past, it doesn’t seem that Miss Allen has yet come to terms with the dangers associated with substance abuse. Lily Allen's recent comments about drugs not being so bad for people have deeply angered British anti-drug officials, and the UK’s Shadow Home Secretary Dominic Grieve.

She says, “The only story is that drugs are bad and they will kill you - you will become a prostitute, a rapist or a dealer. But that’s not true. I know lots of people who take cocaine three nights a week and get up and go to work. But we never hear that side of the story. I wish people wouldn’t sensationalise it. Some people are just bad at taking drugs.”

David Raynes, who from the National Drugs Prevention Alliance said: “When someone like Lily Allen makes these remarks she is only harming young people who will at some point in their lives have to make a decision about taking drugs. We already have a major drug culture in the UK and she is affecting that.”

A spokesman for drug and alcohol treatment charity Addaction agreed, telling The Sun: “These comments are misguided.”

Lily Allen has once again proved that she doesn’t exactly think twice before opening her mouth!
